Monday, September 14, 2009

Three/Four weapons self defense group.

Good Glocks to start with:
Glock 19 is the 9mm, 15 round version of the weapon (Glock 17 mag holds 17). I have the Glock 23 the 40 cal, 13 round version, both are the same size. The 19 is very easy to shoot and is very combat accurate out of the box for carry you do not need to do anything but practice and train with it. Features (advantages) of the weapon are the same. I will talk about the model 23.
Compact dimensions for open and concealed carry, minimum weight despite large magazine capacity in .40 caliber. (Can use Model 22 mags with even more rounds or add plus base to mags to add capacity) This and the reliability of the GLOCK pistol known throughout the world, which was demonstrated through tests and widespread use by US law enforcement agencies, were decisive arguments for the F.B.I. and countless police authorities for introducing the GLOCK 23 as their official service pistol over the years. If you do not have a local gun shop Glock World on the Internet has good prices.

A 12 gauge pump action shotgun with an 18″ barrel and a magazine capacity of 5 shells or more. 12 gauge is the most common shotgun gauge these days, and 12 gauge shells are amazingly effective when loaded with “double ought buckshot” and bird shot is great home defensive load. The 18″ barrel is the minimum length generally allowed by law, and does not make the gun too cumbersome inside a home. Shotgun can be amazingly effective at close range, and the risk of over penetration through exterior walls and subsequent injury to neighbors is lower than with a rifle or handgun
Beginner long range rifle setup (Hunting rifle):

Savage Model 10FP – with AccuTrigger™ ($550), add a BSA Stealth Tactical Scope > STS416X44 scope($180), and some match grade 308 ammo. Good for long range shooting and upgradable as you get more into the sport. All this for less than $800

This is the entry level setup to learn the long range target shooting game without breaking the bank. If you use a 4x9x50 scope you have a nice hunting rifle in 308.

AR 15:

Just about all major manufacturer's produce a great rifle. The way to save money here is to buy a kit and lower and build it your self. Not as hard as it sounds.

Ammo from ammunitiontogo dot com and georgiaarms dot com both reliable sources.

Hope this helps, remember practice is what builds your comfort level and improves your shooting skills.


Glock Info:

Sight:- GL-212-OR

Mossberg Shotguns (look at all models)

Hunting rifle:

AR 15 links:

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