Tuesday, September 22, 2009

New Knife

I purchased a Fury 20" fixed blade at the Ft. Lauderdale Showw. It is a large knife which sharpen very welland at a $20 price tag it will be my basic bush knife.

I worked the edge for 20 minutes and it is now able to slice thru onion paper without catching.

I set the basic edge with a  Seletool and finished it with a Gerber very fine honing rod.

Four Basic Firearms Safety Rules for Carry...

In the real world where one is absolutely responsible for every round discharged, and the shooter "owns" whatever is hit.

The four basic rules to handling your firearm:

1. Treat All guns as if they are always loaded! Until you verify it.
2. Never let the muzzle piont at anything you are not willing to destroy!
3. Keep your finger off the trigger until your sights are on the target!
4. Always be sure of your target!
This treats all firearms in a manner that gives you the control over the safe use of them.
You are the Master of your firearm, and only you control it.

Friday, September 18, 2009

EF 300mm f/2.8 L IS

This is a sharp, image-stabilized lens that packs a lot of performance into a relatively affordable package as compared to other manufacturers. The 300 only has 2-stop IS, not bad but, would be nice to have 4-stops like the current 200/2L IS.

Strong points of this lens:

• Produces critically sharp images wide open at f/2.6

• Great for travel and for multiple body/lens use when roaming

• Good hand-hold-able performance at slow shutter speeds because of image stabilization

• Good contrast, color (and bokeh when shot at f/2.8)

• Makes a reasonably good 420mm lens with the EF 1.4x extender (f/4)

• Bokeh (diffusely blurred out of focus background) good with this lens

• Very fast to focus

Limitations of this lens:

• Cost and weight of the lens

I no longer shoot commercially so I had to save for several months to buy this lens. This is the best lens in this format that I have ever owned. I have used it for three months now and carry it to all events that I attend with my cameras. With my 1.4x it focuses without an apparent loss of speed and it is still very sharp. I have not tried the 2x as I do not have one yet.

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Basic Firearm Safety Rules:

Basic Firearm Safety Rules:
1. Handle all firearms as if they were loaded.
2. Always keep the firearm pointed in a safe direction.
3. Keep your finger out of the gun's trigger guard and off the trigger until you have aligned the gun's sights on a safe target and you have made the decision to fire.
4. Always be certain that your target and the surrounding area are safe before firing.
5. Whenever you handle a firearm, the first thing you should do (while keeping it pointed in a safe direction with your finger outside the trigger guard) is to open the action to determine whether or not the firearm is loaded.
6. Thoroughly read the instruction manual supplied with your firearm.
7. Before firing your weapon, you should routinely make sure that your firearm is in good working order and that the barrel is clear of dirt and obstructions.
8. Only use ammunition recommended by the firearm manufacturer, and always be certain that the ammunition matches the caliber of your gun.
9. Quality ear and eye protection should always be worn when shooting or observing.
10. Never use firearms while under the influence of drugs or alcohol.
11. All firearms should be stored unloaded and secured in a safe storage case, inaccessible to children and untrained adults.

12. The transportation of firearms is regulated by Federal, State and local laws. Always transport your firearm in a safe, unloaded condition and in accordance with applicable laws.

Monday, September 14, 2009

Sharpen the Blade: 05-2004 - States of Awareness, the Cooper Color Codes

This is a reprint of a great article that someone emailed me a while back. Good info for all persons.

Sharpen the Blade: 05-2004

States of Awareness, the Cooper Color Codes

By Tom Givens


Most people stumble through life, blissfully unaware of the world around them. They remain preoccupied with thoughts of work, or personal problems, or how to get a date, or other trivialities, with no thought to their immediate environment. By not paying attention to their surroundings, they place themselves in needless jeopardy.

Go sit in the intake area in your neighborhood hospital emergency room one evening, as an educational exercise. Observe the unfortunates who come in for treatment, and you will get an excellent illustration of this point. About twenty percent of the customers are actually sick-discount them. The remaining eighty percent are there because they were inattentive to their environment. These will be people who walked off loading docks, or stepped off ladders twenty feet up, or backed into running machinery, or stepped into the path of a vehicle, OR allowed a thug to walk right up to them un-noticed and bean them with a brick. You can be stupid, inattentive, and oblivious in your work environment day in and day out and get away with it until one day the odds catch up with you and you are injured. The same applies on the street. You can be stupid, inattentive, and oblivious and get away with it until your path happens to cross the path of a criminal. The vast majority of criminals are opportunists, who only strike when presented with a viable opportunity. Remove the opportunity and you remove the risk to you!
By learning to observe your environment, constantly evaluate it, and react appropriately to what you see, you can achieve a large degree of control over your fate. This requires you to learn to shift up and down a scale of readiness, just like shifting gears in a car, so that you can match your level of awareness/readiness with the current requirements of your situation. In a car, you shift gears based on the grade encountered or the speed desired. On the street, you must learn to "shift gears" mentally, to match the threat level encountered. There is a sliding scale of readiness, going from a state of being oblivious and unprepared to a condition of being ready to instantly do lethal violence if forced. One cannot live stuck at either end of this spectrum.
If you try to live at the bottom of the scale, you will fall victim to an accident or to a criminal, eventually. It's just a matter of "when", not "if". On the other hand, you can't go through your daily routine with your hand hovering over your holstered pistol, ready to shoot if anything moves! What you must learn to do is escalate and de-escalate up and down this scale as the circumstances around you dictate. This is an easily learned system, and one that will help you be in the right frame of mind to deal with any conflict you encounter.

If you should find yourself faced with a life-threatening attack by a criminal, as a typical normal person, you will be faced by three enormous difficulties. They are:

1. Recognizing the presence of the predator in time;

2. Realizing, internalizing, and accepting that THAT MAN, RIGHT THERE, is about to kill you for reasons you do not understand; if you don't stop him; and

3. Overcoming your reluctance to do lethal violence against a fellow human being.

Let's look at each of these in turn. First, you have to see him and realize that he is a threat. Thugs are flesh and bone, and are not invisible. Contrary to public opinion, they do not beam down from the mother ship, attack you, and beam back up. They typically walk right up to you un-noticed because of the fog most people operate in daily. Learn to lift that fog and see the warning signs earlier, so you can be prepared.

Second, it is very difficult for normal, rational, socialized, civilized people to grasp that they live cheek by jowl with people who are NOT normal, rational, socialized, or civilized. There are people out there who do not care about your hopes or plans for the future, they do not care about your family, they do not care about the pain and suffering they inflict-they just don't care. They may kill you for the contents of your wallet, so they can buy one more day's supply of drugs. They may rape you because they feel powerless, degraded, and abused except while they are degrading and abusing someone else. They may kill you simply to move up one rank in their street gang. Guess what? It doesn't matter "Why?". A typical victim reaction is, "But why would anyone want to hurt me?". Who cares why?

Third, it will be difficult for you to put your sights in the center of a human being's chest and press the trigger, knowing that you are turning a vertical, living, breathing person into a horizontal pile of meat. Don't let anyone tell you that will be easy. As a society, we don't want it to be easy, do we? This is why legally armed citizens don't shoot people over arguments, or traffic accidents, and so forth. In fact, shootings by armed citizens are almost always ruled justifiable by the authorities, while almost a third of police shootings are ruled questionable or improper. Private citizens are reluctant to actually shoot, even when it is necessary. You must overcome this obstacle if your life is on the line. You will have to realize that there are times when lethal violence is not just excusable, or justifiable, or acceptable, but actually required.

Fortunately, there is a system available to help you overcome all three of these problems. By learning to use this system, practicing it, and making it part of your daily routine, you can be assured of seeing an attack in its developing stages, and become both mentally and physically prepared to defend yourself. Jeff Cooper, who taught it at ‘Gunsite’ and later gave an excellent videotaped presentation, first publicized this system, called the Color Code. I had the great good fortune of being taught this by Jeff early in my career, and I can say without reservation that this system saved my life on several occasions. Not what kind of gun I had, nor the brand of ammo, but this mental system. I feel so strongly that this is one of the most important weapons in your arsenal, that I feel it is my duty to share it with you.

I mentioned earlier learning to move up and down a scale of readiness, just like shifting gears. The scale consists of four mental states, which Jeff gave color names. The colors simply let us conceptualize and discuss the basic mental states. You must learn to go up and down this scale as the situation and circumstances around you change, as they invariably do as you go through your daily routine.

CONDITION WHITE- White is the lowest level on the escalator. In Condition White one is unaware, not alert, oblivious. This state can be characterized as "daydreaming" or "preoccupied". People in White tend to walk around with their heads down, as if watching their own feet. They do not notice the impending danger until it literally has them by the throat.

You see examples of this frequently. When was the last time you saw someone in traffic roll right up to a barricade or stalled vehicle, then expect you to stop and let them into your lane? They're operating their vehicle in Condition White. When a motorist runs over a motorcyclist and kills him, what are the first words out of their mouth? "I didn't see him." They're not lying. They were so inattentive and complacent that they did not notice a 200-pound man on a four hundred pound machine right in front of them. When this same guy runs past a stop sign and broadsides your car, killing your child, he will say, "I didn't see it.".
These same guys will be the victims of violent crime, because the criminal targets the inattentive, the complacent, the lazy, the distracted, the preoccupied. Why? Because the criminal wants to get to him, get what he wants from him, and get away from him, without being hurt or caught. Who would be the easiest person to do that to? Someone in Condition White. I'm sure you've seen or read about the Miranda card police officers carry. From it they read off a suspect's rights before questioning him. Dedicated victims carry a similar card in their pockets. If they are still alive when the police arrive, they take this card out of their pockets and read from it, as follows:
" Geez, it all happened so fast. He materialized right next to me. I never saw him.".

So, when would it be acceptable to be in Condition White? When in your own home, with the doors locked, the alarm system on, and your dog at your feet. Then, you can turn off your mind, if you wish, because you have sufficient layers of protection and warning to enable you to get up, get your gear, and get your head running. If you leave your home, you leave Condition White behind. The instant you leave your home, you escalate one level, to Condition Yellow.
CONDITION YELLOW- This is a relaxed state of general alertness, with no specific focal point. You are not looking for anything or anyone in particular; you simply have your head up and your eyes open. You are alert and aware of your surroundings. You are difficult to surprise, therefore, you are difficult to harm. You do not expect to be attacked today. You simply recognize the possibility.
Here's an excellent analogy. You are on a small naval patrol vessel in the middle of the Mediterranean. You are not at war with anyone today, so you do not expect to be attacked. You do, however, recognize the possibility, so you have your radar on twenty-four hours a day, making a continuous 360 degree sweep of the area, looking for potential problems. Suddenly, there is a blip on your radar screen. You cannot tell by looking at the small, greenish-yellow dot on the screen whether it is a good thing or a bad thing, so you ask a fighter plane to intercept the blip and check it out. If it is an Al Italia airliner a hundred miles off course, the fighter pilot will wave at it. If it's a Libyan MIG headed toward your boat, he will shoot it down. He won't know whether to wave or shoot until he first assesses the blip as a threat. This is exactly the same process you go through on the ground. When you leave home you turn on your radar, and it continually sweeps the area around you for potential hazards. When something catches your attention, you assess it. If it's not a threat, dismiss it. If it is a threat, start getting ready mentally to deal with it.
Anything or anyone in your immediate vicinity that is unusual, out of place, or out of context, should be viewed as potentially dangerous, until you have had a chance to assess it. Someone who looks out of place, or someone engaged in activity that has no obvious legitimate purpose, should be looked over carefully. When your mental radar picks up on a blip, you immediately escalate one level on the scale, to Condition Orange.

CONDITION ORANGE- This is a heightened state of alertness, with a specific focal point. The entire difference between Yellow and Orange is this specific target for your attention. Your focal point is the person who is doing whatever drew your attention to him. It might be the fact that he is wearing a field jacket in August. It might be that he's standing by a column in the parking garage, instead of going into the building, or getting in a car and leaving. It might be that you have been in five stores at the mall, and saw this same guy in every one of them. His actions have caused you to take note of him, so you must assess him as a potential threat, just as the fighter pilot assessed the blip earlier.
How do you assess someone as a threat? You have to take into account the totality of the cues available to you. His clothing, appearance, demeanor, actions, anything he says to you, are all cues. The single most important cue is body language. About 80% of human communication is through body language. Predators display subtle pre-aggression indicators, which are obvious once you learn to look for them.
When you shift upward to Orange, you begin to focus your attention on this individual that caught your eye, but do not drop your general over-view. You don't want to be blind-sided by his associates. You begin to watch him and assess his intentions, again looking at all of the cues available to you. Nine times out of ten, after a few seconds of observation, you will be able to see an innocuous reason for his behavior and then dismiss him. Once you figure out he's not a threat, dismiss him and de-escalate right back down to Yellow. Who is the tenth one? He is the predator, who would have got you if you had been inattentive. Now that you are aware of him, you are in far less danger.
As you assess this individual, and you see things that convince you he has evil intent, you start to play the "What if…." game in your mind, to begin formulating a basic plan. This is how we get ahead of the power curve. If he acts suddenly, we must have at least a rudimentary plan for dealing with him already in place, so that we can react swiftly enough. By saying to yourself, "That guy looks like he is about to stick me up, what am I going to do about it?", you begin the mental preparation vital to winning the conflict. With even a simple plan already in place, your physical reaction is both assured and immediate, if the bad guy presses his intentions. If, after assessing him, you believe he is an actual threat, you then escalate to the highest level, Condition Red.
CONDITION RED- In Red, you are ready to fight! You may, or may not, actually be fighting, but you are MENTALLY PREPARED to fight. In many, or perhaps even most, circumstances where you have gone fully to Red, you will not actually physically do anything at all. The entire process of escalating from Yellow, to Orange, to Red, then de-escalating right back down the scale as the situation is resolved, occurs without any actual physical activity on your part. The key is that you were mentally prepared for a conflict, and thus could physically act if the situation demanded.
When you believe a threat is real, and you have escalated to Red, you are waiting on the Mental Trigger, which is a specific, pre-determined action on his part that will result in an immediate, positive, aggressive, defensive reaction from you. This is how you achieve the speed necessary to win. By having a "pre-made decision" already set up in your mind, you can move physically fast enough to deal with the problem. Without that pre-made decision, the precious time in which you could have acted was wasted on trying to decide what to do after he starts his attack.
The Mental Trigger will differ depending upon the circumstances. It could be, "If he swings that gun in my direction I will shoot him", for instance. It could be, " I have told him to stop, if he takes one more step toward me with that (knife/tire iron/screwdriver) in his hand, I'll shoot him". Whatever trigger is selected, it is a button that, once pushed, results in immediate action on your part.
Your main enemy is reaction time. If you are not aware of your surroundings, and fail to see the suspicious character, he may overwhelm you before you can marshal an effective defense. On the other hand, if you are thinking to yourself, "I may have to hurt that guy if he doesn't wise up"; you've probably already won that fight, because you have a better understanding of what is transpiring than he does! The best fight is over before the loser fully understands what just happened. If you're caught in Condition White, you will need five to six seconds to realize what is happening, get your wits together, and respond. You simply don't have that much time.
There are a couple of mental tricks you can use in the early phases of your training to assist you in this. Remember that one of the three problems I mentioned earlier in this chapter will be actually "doing it", actually employing lethal force when required. To help with this, each morning when you put your gun on, remind yourself, "I may have to use my gun today". This plants in your subconscious mind (which drives 90% of your life) that there is a reason we wear these guns-we may actually need them to save our lives! When you pick up on that potential threat and escalate to Condition Orange, tell yourself, "I may have to shoot him today!". Believe me, if you have internalized that a specific person is an actual threat to your life, but that you have the means to stop him if need be, it gets easier to mentally deal with the situation.
Let's work through a scenario to illustrate these principles. Let's say you are working in a jewelry store today, a small storefront shop in a strip mall in suburbia. All of the other employees went to lunch and left you here alone. There are not even any customers in the store at the moment, you're alone. What mental state are you in? (Yellow. You are not ensconced in your home; you're out in the real world.) So you keep your head up, and occasionally you scan out through the glass storefront and check out the parking lot. Since there is no one else in the store, any problem will have to come from outside. You want to know about a problem while it's out there, not when it's standing across the counter from you.

As you glance through the glass, you see two men in their early 20's back up an old car to your store, get out in identical jogging suits, enter your door, and split up. Immediately, you go to Orange. They have done nothing illegal, and nothing aggressive, but they are out of place, out of the ordinary, so you escalate your mental state, and begin to think. "This looks like a hold-up in the making. I may have to hurt these guys. What should I do know? If things go bad, I'll drop behind this safe and I can shoot into that wall without endangering anyone on the parking lot. I have a plan." At this point you watch them, and continue to monitor their movements. If they leave, you de-escalate to Yellow once they are gone.
If they stay, they will probably get together on the far side of the store and briefly discuss what they have seen. They will then move toward your position at the counter, and after trying to distract you (Can I see that ring back there?) pull their guns and announce a stick-up. If you have been using the system, you went from Yellow to Orange when they came in, and went to Red as they approach your counter. You are ready. Because criminals have to be adept at reading body language (their lives depend upon this skill), they will see that you are prepared and simply leave. About nine out of ten pairs will leave at this point, without a confrontation. As they drive away, de-escalate from Red, to Orange, to Yellow.
What about the tenth pair? They are drugged, drunk, or both, and failed to recognize your level of readiness. They may go ahead foolishly with their hold-up. According to FBI studies, probably 80% of the ones you will actually have to fight will be under the influence of drugs/alcohol/drugs and alcohol at the time. What's the good news? They're drunk and/or drugged, which plays Hell with their reflexes, reaction time, and motor coordination. They'll be relatively easy to deal with, IF you are mentally prepared (Condition Red) and have done your homework.
If they come in, and upon observing them you go to Orange, then as they approach, to Red, but then they leave, and you de-escalate, you will have gone all of the way up the scale without even reaching for your gun, which is very common. The point is, you would have been ready to reach for your gun if necessary. This is how you win fights, by being mentally prepared to win.

Three/Four weapons self defense group.

Good Glocks to start with:
Glock 19 is the 9mm, 15 round version of the weapon (Glock 17 mag holds 17). I have the Glock 23 the 40 cal, 13 round version, both are the same size. The 19 is very easy to shoot and is very combat accurate out of the box for carry you do not need to do anything but practice and train with it. Features (advantages) of the weapon are the same. I will talk about the model 23.
Compact dimensions for open and concealed carry, minimum weight despite large magazine capacity in .40 caliber. (Can use Model 22 mags with even more rounds or add plus base to mags to add capacity) This and the reliability of the GLOCK pistol known throughout the world, which was demonstrated through tests and widespread use by US law enforcement agencies, were decisive arguments for the F.B.I. and countless police authorities for introducing the GLOCK 23 as their official service pistol over the years. If you do not have a local gun shop Glock World on the Internet has good prices.

A 12 gauge pump action shotgun with an 18″ barrel and a magazine capacity of 5 shells or more. 12 gauge is the most common shotgun gauge these days, and 12 gauge shells are amazingly effective when loaded with “double ought buckshot” and bird shot is great home defensive load. The 18″ barrel is the minimum length generally allowed by law, and does not make the gun too cumbersome inside a home. Shotgun can be amazingly effective at close range, and the risk of over penetration through exterior walls and subsequent injury to neighbors is lower than with a rifle or handgun
Beginner long range rifle setup (Hunting rifle):

Savage Model 10FP – with AccuTrigger™ ($550), add a BSA Stealth Tactical Scope > STS416X44 scope($180), and some match grade 308 ammo. Good for long range shooting and upgradable as you get more into the sport. All this for less than $800

This is the entry level setup to learn the long range target shooting game without breaking the bank. If you use a 4x9x50 scope you have a nice hunting rifle in 308.

AR 15:

Just about all major manufacturer's produce a great rifle. The way to save money here is to buy a kit and lower and build it your self. Not as hard as it sounds.

Ammo from ammunitiontogo dot com and georgiaarms dot com both reliable sources.

Hope this helps, remember practice is what builds your comfort level and improves your shooting skills.


Glock Info:

Sight:- GL-212-OR

Mossberg Shotguns (look at all models)

Hunting rifle:

AR 15 links:

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Minimum First Aid Kit

Below is listed what I believe needs to be included in a basic first aid kit per person. I have a 3 person kit in each of my family cars and in my tactical bag.

Medical Information / Instrument / Medication
1..... Comp. Guide to Wilderness & Travel Medicine
1..... Instructions, Easy Care, Medications
2..... Diamode (Loperamide HCI 2 mg), Pkg./1
2..... Ibuprofen (200 mg), Pkg./2
2..... Antihistamine (Diphenhydramine 25 mg)
1..... Aspirin (325 mg), Pkg./2
2..... After Bite Sting and Itch Relief Wipe
1..... Splinter Picker/Tick Remover Forceps
1..... Scissors, Bandage with Blunt Tip
2..... Thermometer, Disposable, (96F to 104.8F)
1..... Duct Tape, 2" x 50"
3..... Safety Pins

Field Trauma
1..... Instructions, Easy Care, Bleeding
1..... CPR Face Shield, Laerdal
1..... Aspirin (325 mg), Pkg./2
1..... Trauma Pad, 8" x 10"
1..... Trauma Pad, 5" x 9"
1..... Dressing, Gauze, Sterile, 4" x 4", Pkg./2
1..... Dressing, Petrolatum, Non-Adherent, 3" x 3"
1..... Bandage, Triangular
1..... Bandage, Elastic, Co-hesive, Self Adhering, 2"
1..... Gloves, Nitrile (Pair)
2..... Antimicrobial Towelette
1..... Biohazard Label
1..... Ibuprofen (200 mg), Pkg./2
6..... After Cuts & Scrapes Wipe
1..... Duct Tape, 2" x 50"

Wound Care / Burn / Blister
1..... Instructions, Easy Care, Wound
1..... Syringe, Irrigation, 20 cc, 18 Gauge Tip
1..... Wound Closure Strips, 1/4" x 4", Pkg./10
2..... Tincture of Benzoin Topical Adhesive, Swab
3..... After Cuts & Scrapes Wipe
1..... Povidone Iodine, 3/4 oz
3..... Triple Antibiotic Ointment, 1/32 oz
2..... Dressing, Non-Adherent, Sterile, 3" x 4"
2..... Dressing, Gauze, Sterile, 4" x 4", Pkg./2
2..... Dressing, Gauze, Sterile, 2" x 2", Pkg./2
1..... Bandage, Conforming Gauze, Non-Sterile, 3"
1..... Tape, 1" x 10 Yards
6..... Bandage, Adhesive, Fabric, 1" x 3"
6..... Bandage, Adhesive, Fabric, Knuckle
1..... Gloves, Nitrile (Pair)
1..... Moleskin, 4" x 7"
2..... Cotton Tip Applicator, Pkg./2

Hunting Pistol

For Hunting a T/C Pistol Hunter's Package No.4962.

It's 308 and comes with a reasonably nice scope. Good round with effective take-down power and the ammo cost less than the SW 500.

For general use and fun a Glock 19 (not a hunting gun, but for when I feel the need to shoot) rounds are lower in cost to shoot. Lots of after market stuff. Great handgun to learn with.

If hunting is really your thing you could start with a 6" 357 mag Revolver. It also shoots 38s and they cost less for just shooting to have fun.

I have used them all and have yet to find one of them not to meet my specific need at the time.
Practice good sportsmanship and safety at all times and have fun.

Thompson Center:
Glock Info:
Smith & Wesson 357:

Deadly force in self-defense, Florida

1. Never display a handgun to gain "leverage" in an argument, even if it isn't loaded or you never intend to use it.

2. The amount of force that you use to defend yourself must not be excessive under the circumstances.

• Never use deadly force in self-defense unless you are afraid that if you don't, you will be killed or seriously injured;

• Verbal threats never justify your use of deadly force;

• If you think someone has a weapon and will use it unless you kill him, be sure you are right and are not overreacting to the situation.

3. The law permits you to carry a concealed weapon for self-defense. Carrying a concealed weapon does not make you a free-lance policeman or a "good samaritan."

4. Never carry your concealed weapon into any place where the statute prohibits carrying it. (Section 790.06, Florida Statutes) That statute lists several places where you may not carry a concealed weapon. You should read subsection 12 for a complete list, but some examples are football, baseball, and basketball games (college or professional) and bars.

A cool head and even temper can keep handgun carriers out of trouble. You should never carry a gun into a situation where you might get angry.

This is not a complete summary of all the statutes and court opinions on the use of deadly force. Because the concealed weapons statute specifies that concealed weapons are to be used for lawful self-defense, we have not attempted to summarize the body of law on lawful defense of property. This information is not intended as legal advice. Every self-defense case has its own unique set of facts, and it is unwise to try to predict how a particular case would be decided. It is clear, however, that the law protects people who keep their tempers under control and use deadly force only as a last resort.


Basic Glock Upgrades

First thing buy this book, it has a lot of good info and you will have a good starting point (you do not have to do the work yourself, but some thing are easily done by you):

“How to Customize Your Glock”
This will give you a great starting point. I have customized several of my Glocks.

The first thing I do is a .25 trigger job - polish all metal touching parts in the trigger group

Next, the addition of an Ameriglo Pro Glo Front sight that is designed to shine with a orange circle in the daylight and has a glowing green dot at night will help you keep your eye on the front sight, import in order to aim properly.
You can also consider changing the trigger spring to a NY#1 and a Glock OEM 3.5 connector, this changes the trigger pull and break point. I have found it to my liking and it gives ME better control.

These are the things that I have done that are Glock concentric.
You can also change barrels, add magazine well, add laser, change rear sight to metal adjustable, plug hollow on back-strap of grip, have grip angle changed by gunsmith, change pistol color, change out lower frame for a metal one, and the list goes on. This is the most customizable handgun after the 1911.

So you want to carry concealed and have never used a handgun before.

First go to a range take a basic pistol class, after training rent a weapon and try it, do this with several. You need to feel comfortable with your handgun. Most of my friends as a first firearm got a Glock 19 (9mm), it is compact in size and you can get HiCap magazines for it. It has a safety-action system which is safe and good for new shooters! This weapon is very mainstream, with lots of after market options available. A large variety of holsters are available. The addition of an Ameriglo Pro Glo Front sight that is designed to shine with a orange circle in the daylight and has a glowing green dot at night will help you keep your eye on the front sight, important in order to aim properly. You will need a good holster to cc with; this is not the place to save money. A custom IWB holster that fits your handgun and has a sweat shield, together with a reinforced mouth is a good investment. Custom holsters fit you better, and last 4 to 5 times longer than production ones in my experience. After you are comfortable with your handgun and how it functions take a home defense class.

As to ammo use a hollow point round (Gold Dot +P) as your defensive round. While some may feel a caliber larger than 9mm will work better only you can decide what is comfortable to shoot.

Check out GSSF for events and information on Glocks and shooting.

Be sure to get licensed before you start carrying your handgun.

Hope this helps, remember practice is what builds your comfort level and improves your shooting skills.